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Achterveld (U): St. Joseph (H.W. Valk, 1932-1933)

Achterveld has always been a mostly catholic village, but it appears that a real church wasn't built until the 1930's. Architect H.W. Valk designed it, and it's very representative of his style of that period. It's a so-called christocentric church, a type of church of which Valk designed many and of which he was one of the pioneers. These christocentric churches were designed to provide an undisturbed view on the altar for as many people as possible. The altar is placed at the crossing of nave and transept and, like in many of Valk's churches of this type, is illuminated by a big crossing-tower. The nave is three aisles wide and is of the basilican type. The central aisle is relatively wide while the side-aisles are narrow. At the front is a tower that is only slightly taller than the nave and lower than the crossing-tower. The architect used a Traditionalistic style that was inspired by Gothicism. The church was built entirely of brick.










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