Utrecht (U): St.
Willibrordus (A. Tepe, 1876-1877)

The St. Willibrordus is
probably one of Utrecht's oddest churches. Only relatively small parts
of it are directly visible from the street, as it's almost completely
closed-in by other buildings. Despite the difficulties the available
piece of land brought along with it, architect Alfred Tepe managed to
build an as conventional church as possible in between the surrounding
houses, none of which could be demolished. The result is a relatively
short cruciform basilican church without a tower in Tepe's usual sober
neo-Gothic style; the church is mostly executed in brick, with no use
of natural stone. The most peculiar thing about this church is its
extreme height to add some visibility. Because the church is oriented,
with the choir facing the east, access to the church is through a
corridor at the north side of the church, where some space in the
street was available. Also built on this space were a small cloister
and a seperate two-aisled chapel with a . Inside the church is an
impressive example of a
church interior in the style of the Guild of St. Bernulphus. This has
almost completely survived, although in a bad state. In 2005 a long
lasting restoration was finally completed..